Ottawa Orthotic Lab is looking for an organized and self-motivated Office Manager who will be responsible for providing administrative support to our office personnel.
Pedorthist vs Podiatrist: What’s the difference?
In the world of foot care, there are many different healthcare professionals. It can be hard to figure out who-does-what with names like Pedorthist, Podiatrist, Chiropodist, Orthotist, and Orthopedist. Understanding the difference between these professions can help you get the proper treatment for your foot problems and get you back on your feet.
5 Common Running Injuries & How To Prevent Them
There are 5 common running injuries that plague many runners at some point during their running career. In this guest blog, Dr. Joanna Taylor, a renowned Ottawa chiropractor, owner of Kinetic Edge, and co-owner of Recover RX, will go through how to recognize, prevent, and treat them before they become a chronic condition.
Pain In The Arch? Plantar Fasciitis Treatment
Signs and symptoms include pain under the foot, particularly at the heel and sometimes extending into the arch. The pain is usually worse when taking your first steps in the morning, or after long periods of non weight-bearing, but usually dissipates after a few minutes. Symptoms often return after excessive activity or at the end of the day.